Walk The World v1.4
Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | tandroidapkfiles.blogspot.com: Android 2.1 or higher
Overview: Real beauty of the landscapes, rivers, city corners and villages are revealed by foot. This is helpful for your health, gives an excellent emotions and memories after returning home. Explore the World on your foot, visit sacred places, take a break to feel local life beat, sounds and smells. Try to dissolve in unusual culture, wear strange cloth, hear exotic voices, and try to eat what is before you may seem completely inedible. Walk around the World with a good map and a nice mood. Famous interesting places (with short description), selection of hotels to stay, and hundreds of restaurants, shops, exhibition arenas – all of this stuff is inside your device with GPS orientation and no necessary internet connection. The application data is based on openstreetmaps.org, and uses its own render engine. The application need not internet connection for map data download. Application has fast and smooth zoom in/out. Application data is quite a compact (vector, not bitmap format).
Perm. This is not Europe, not Siberia, not Tundra, not a famous Russian so called «golden ring»: Souzdal, Vladimir, Rostov the great. And of course, Perm is not like a busy Russian capital cities- Moscow, St.Petersburg. This is remote, but big city, located in the way to “nowhere”, unexplored by organized tours and CNN hot video reports. Perm? Where is it? Not even everyone in Russian can correctly pick a point on the map of huge, imperial-sized Russia. Wooden Jesus sculptures (mixture of ancient gods beliefs and Russian orthodox christianity), beautiful and giant Kungur cave, famous classic art exhibitions and motherland of heavy disputed modern strange “red people” sculptures – Perm and Perm region is still out of typical tourist tracks and absolutely not touched by the “Lonely planet effect”. Ask Frommers – you may get illusive feeling, that this city does not exist! Maybe it’s too small? No! The city’s population is approaching 1 million of people. This is important industrial and commercial center, busy transport hub and the base of popular TV soap opera “Real Brothers”.
- Added system menu support + rating
- Add a lot of popular tourist places: next candidate – Bali(Indonesia), Stockholm (Sweden).
- Remove text flickering during zoom
- Street names are not fit to street polygons
- Thick highway lines should have rounded corners
- Some text clipping/mixture
- Street connection is not perfect
- Add house numbers and fast search on address (street name + house number)
- Improve performance of the graphics render engine
- Map rotation with device orientation changes
- Internet, WiFi, FineLocation: all this for more exact device position detection. No ads, no viruses, no spam.
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Recent changes:
- Triangle clipping bug fixed
- Opera Theatre location is fixed
- Some misprints are fixed
- Modern art museum Perm location is fixed
- Some walking tracks are displayed as dotted lines
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